SSII institūts


Sociotehnisku sistēmu inženierijas institūts (SSII) ir Vidzemes Augstskolas zinātniska struktūrvienība.

Direktors: PhD Oskars Java


Pētījumu virzieni un kompetences

Virtuālās realitātes tehnoloģijas, vizualizācija un datorredze

Sociotehnisku sistēmu modelēšanas tehnoloģijas

E-studiju pārvaldība un tehnoloģijas

Tautsaimniecības viedās tehnoloģijas un ekobūves


SSII pētnieku jaunākās publikācijas

Cirulis A., Brigmanis K., Zvejnieks G., Analysis of suitable natural feature computer vision algorithms for augmented reality services, International conference - Innovations and Creativity 2018, Liepājas Universitāte 2018.

Underwater Optical Fish Classification System by Means of Robust Feature Decomposition and Analysis using Multiple Neural Networks; DO  - 10.14569/IJACSA.2018.091286; International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications

Bersons, I., Veilande, R., Balcers, O. (June 2018). Is the Photon a Soliton. In: Book of Abstracts, Symposium Single Photon Based Quantum Technologies. Berlīne, Vācija. 

Cakula. Smart Technological Learning Conceptual model. International journal of Engineering and Technology, Science Publishing Corporation. Vol 7 (2), 2018, pp.152-156.

Cakula S., Krasavina A., Technological Solution for Developing Sustainable Cooperation between Adult Education Institutions and Enterprises, 2107 IEEE Eight International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems (ICICIS’17), 2018, pp. 4-10.

Cakula, S., Jākobsone, A., Florea, M. (2017) Modelling of Knowledge Sharing for the Provision of Sustainable Cooperation between Adult Educational Institutions and Enterprises. Procedia Computer Science, Volume 104, pp. 160-165, Science Direct.

Cakula, S., Mirke, E. (2017) Simulation modelling for school development in Ādaži Municipality. Rural Environment. Education. Personality, pp. 127-134, Web of Science.

Jansevskis, M., Osis, K. (December 2018). Machine Learning and on 5G Based Technologies Create New Opportunities to Gain Knowledge. In: Book of Abstracts, Session: Machine Learning, Cybernetics and Cyber Security, p. 21. Berne, Šveice.

Food waste reduction in canteens of preschools and schools in Latvia, Simanovska J., pp. 69-82, in book (Food) Waste Not Want Not, Why food waste is a big deal and how to scale-up preventive action, Edited by Jana Simanovska and Charlotte Billingham (ed), 2018, Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and Freedom and Solidarity Foundation (BSF), p. 157.

Zaķis, K., Zaķis, V., Arfridsson, J. (2017) Eleven nearly zero new building life cycle cost and dynamic performance optimization by computer modeling in cold climate, Procedia Computer Science, 104, pp. 302-312.

Mohcine Boudhane and Ojars Balcers Underwater Image Enhancement Method Using Color Channel Regularization and Histogram Distribution for Underwater Vehicles AUVs and ROVs  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING  (2019) Volume 13, pp:570-578, ISSN: 1998-4464

Imants Bersons, Rita Veilande, Ojars Balcers Model of compact 3D electromagnetic solitons PHYSICA SCRIPTA (2019, provisionally accepted)


* 2019. H2020. Stargate

* 2018. un 2019. Valmieras pašvaldības grants. 5G tehnoloģiju sniegto sociotehnisko iespēju analīze un piedāvājuma izstrāde viedās pilsētvides un pētījumu projektu attīstībai

*2019. COST Action - Digital Economy and the Society of the Future

* 2FP7-ICT -2009-5 IP projekts CHOReOS (2010-2014) “Large Scale Choreographies for the Future Internet”* ICT-2011-7 IP projekts FUPOL (2011-2015) “Future Policy Modelling”


Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Cēsu street 4, Tērbatas street 10, Valmiera, LV-4201, Latvija

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