Special attention is devoted to the currently globally relevant aspects of sustainable construction and building materials, circular economy and energy efficiency, covering also construction management topics such as "European Green Procurement", high-rise timber construction, net-zero buildings and integrating all this into modern digital project management flow using BIM and other digital construction management systems.
The aim of this programme is to train experts in sustainable construction who will bring added value to construction industry companies in Baltic Sea region and will be demanded internationally.
As part of the studies, there is an opportunity, provided by our partners, to engage in international bootcamps, summer schools and internships and thanks to our teaching staff to get a glimpse in building projects all over the world.
When developing this study programme, we went hand in hand with industry enterprises, particularly with internationally competitive, exporting industry companies such as "Pavasars Housing", "AB Clausen Latvia", "Grafcon" and "Nomad Architects". The construction sector companies that operate internationally, integrate sustainability principles, keep up with the digital and technological innovation, and respect their employees are rapidly evolving in Latvia. University’s task is to prepare the training ground for such specialists.
Studying is another opportunity to meet your people. By convening, being and learning together, the best ideas are born and our personal achievements are accelerated.
1ST level professional higher education
Building construction manager
Full time studies. Lectures are held on weekday evenings (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and on Saturdays.
3 years (6 semesters)*
Until 31 December 2028*
EUR 2770*
*This is the full tuition fee. If you want to find out possible tuition fee discounts, go to the tuition fee calculator.
Vidējā izglītība
CE**: Latviešu valodā, Matemātikā, Svešvalodā***^
vidējā atzīme šādos mācību priekšmetos: matemātika/ algebra un ģeometrija, latviešu valoda/latviešu valoda un literatūra; ķīmija vai fizika
Minimālais konkursa rezultāts – 30 punkti.
Ārpus konkursa uzņem 1.-3.vietu ieguvējus Latvijas Republikas un starptautiskajās olimpiādēs (pēdējo 2 gadu laikā) šādos mācību priekšmetos: informātika, matemātika, fizika, biznesa ekonomiskie pamati/ ekonomika, ķīmija, bioloģija;
Junior Achievement Latvia - konkursa "Labākais ekonomikā" Vidzemes Augstskolas laureātu.
** - reflektantiem, kuri vidējo izglītību ieguvuši pēc 2004.gada 1.janvāra.
*** - viena no svešvalodām: angļu val., franču val., krievu val., vai vācu val.
^ - vai starptautiskas testēšanas institūcijas pārbaudījums svešvalodā atbilstoši LR Ministru kabineta noteikumiem Nr. 543 (Valsts izglītības satura centra skaidrojums par CE pielīdzināšanu un CE atbilstību). Par starptautiskā pārbaudījuma pielīdzināšanu lēmumu pieņem Uzņemšanas komisija.
Principles of Building Design, Building Structures, Building Products and Ecological Building Materials, Building Mechanics and Material Resistance, Building Physics and Building Acoustics, Engineering Geology, Geodesy, BIM, Construction Technologies, Construction mechanisms and Equipment, Engineering Networks, Organization and Management of Construction Projects, BIS, Construction Economics and Estimating, Construction Technical Survey, Professional English, Occupational Safety and First Aid, Basics and Standards of Industry Law, Exploitation of Buildings.
Construction of Wooden and Eco-Buildings, Introduction to Fire Protection of Buildings, Occupational Safety and Electrical Safety in Construction, Construction Chemistry, Safe Management of Chemicals, Quality Management Systems and Compliance Assessment in Construction.
Sustainable Development, Construction Products and Ecological Building Materials, Principles of Building Design, European Green Course, Green Public Procurement, Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Construction.
BIM (Building Information Modelling), BIS (Building Information Systems), People Management (Teams), Project Management, Basics of Business, Quality Management Systems and Compliance Assessment in Construction.
The aim of the internship is to strengthen the obtained theoretical knowledge and acquire certain skills and abilities. Students can choose internship places from a range of cooperation companies in Latvia and Europe. Erasmus+ internship grants are also available.
In the first-level professional study programme "Wooden Houses and Eco-Building", internships take place outside the university in construction companies and institutions under the guidance of experienced professionals in the field of construction. The total length of intership is 16 weeks.
As part of their studies, starting from the 2nd year students start working on the development of a qualification paper, which is based on group 3 building project in Latvia or in the world. The study programme in cooperation with industry companies, partners and teaching staff offers topical and state-of-the-art topics for qualification papers.

Construction manager in construction companies, design offices, building material production companies, self-employed person, private entrepreneur in the construction industry.
The aim of the European Union is to promote the development and implementation of technologies, products and services, the use of which reduces our impact on the environment, as well as supports environmentally friendly ways of consumption and production. "Buildings/Construction: support of innovative products in the field of construction" is also among the priority sectors
Green construction is considered a silver bullet to address the threat of climate change, resource and energy scarcity, as construction currently accounts for 30% of total raw material consumption and 40% of total energy consumption.