Kalnačs, J. (2019). Jēkaba Strazdiņa un viņa mākslas kolekcijas liktenis padomju Latvijā (The Fortunes of Jēkabs Strazdiņš and his Art Collection in Soviet Latvia)

Mākslas Vēsture un Teorija, ((22)), 59-74


Kalnačs, J. (2019). Jēkabs Strazdiņš

Nacionālā enciklopēdija

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Andersons, A., Bushati, J. (2019). Smart Specialisation Concept Application in Universities: E-Business Online Model Development

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Līviņa, A., & Veliverronena, L. (2019). Application of Circular Economy in Shrinking Regions

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Cīrulis, A. (2019). Ultra Wideband Tracking potential for Augmented Reality Environments

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