Transformative Journeys: Celebrating an Erasmus+ Success Story at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (ViA) is thrilled to share the inspiring story of Lusine Tovmasyan, an Erasmus+ student from Brusov State University, Armenia, whose journey with us exemplifies the transformative impact of the Erasmus+ program. Lusine’s narrative, “From Dream to Reality: My Erasmus+ Journey,” provides a firsthand account of her academic and personal growth during her semester in Valmiera.


Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (ViA) is thrilled to share the inspiring story of Lusine Tovmasyan, an Erasmus+ student from Brusov State University, Armenia, whose journey with us exemplifies the transformative impact of the Erasmus+ program. Lusine’s narrative, “From Dream to Reality: My Erasmus+ Journey,” provides a firsthand account of her academic and personal growth during her semester in Valmiera.

At 21 years old, Lusine embarked on an adventure that not only propelled her academic pursuits in Tourism Management but also nurtured her into a global citizen, embracing new cultures and perspectives. Selected to join ViA, she found in Valmiera a second home—a place where education goes beyond the classroom to shape future leaders and innovators.

Lusine’s decision to participate in the Erasmus+ program was driven by a dream to study abroad and a passion for tourism. Her experience at ViA exceeded expectations, offering her unique opportunities to delve into specialized courses, engage in collaborative projects with international classmates, and develop cross-cultural competencies essential for her future career.

The unwavering support from both her home and host institutions played a crucial role in her successful journey. ViA takes pride in our welcoming community and the comprehensive support system we offer to our international students, from academic guidance to assistance in finding accommodation and navigating life in a new country.

Lusine’s story is a vivid illustration of how Erasmus+ mobility can transform lives. Her adventures in Valmiera and beyond enriched her understanding of diverse cultures, honed her language skills, and forged lasting friendships. Her advice to prospective Erasmus students is to seize every moment, immerse themselves in the local culture, and strike a balance between academic achievements and personal growth.

Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences is committed to offering life-changing international opportunities to students worldwide. We celebrate Lusine Tovmasyan’s achievements and invite students to embark on their own transformative journeys with us through the Erasmus+ program.

About Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences:
Located in the heart of Valmiera, Latvia, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences is a forward-thinking institution dedicated to providing innovative and research-driven education. Our mission is to prepare students for global challenges, fostering academic excellence, intercultural understanding, and personal development through a wide range of international programs.