Erasmus+ programme KA1 “Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries”

Goal of the project: Increase international mobility of students and staff as well as international cooperation within programme countries

Project number: 2023-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000118278 (-LV)

The target group: Students and staff at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences and its partner institutions in programme countries

The leading partner: Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Project implementation period: 01.06.2023. – 31.07.2025.

Main activities: Student and staff exchange

Study directions: Business administration, information technologies, engineering, communication and journalism, tourism

Total budget: EUR 246627,00 (EUR 204060,00 EU; EUR 42567,00 Latvian national co-financing)

Project funding: EU funding, Latvian national co-financing

Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021 - 2027:

The selection process of students takes place at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences based on following criteria - academic performance and achievements, adequacy of exchange study content to the study programme, already used abroad study and internship opportunities (preference is given to students who have not participated in Erasmus+ exchange), study semester, motivation, English or particular national language skills, involvement in various professional activities and projects.

The selection process of staff takes place at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences.


Project manager at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences: Mārīte Balaņuka
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +371 22042022

Erasmus+ initiative "European Universities" project Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions (E³UDRES²)


E³UDRES², the Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions, promotes the development of small and medium-sized cities and their rural areas into smart and sustainable regions and shapes a prosperous future with the best possible quality of life for a self-determined people in a progressive European society.
E³UDRES² promotes outstanding ideas and concepts for future universities, integrates challenge-based learning, mission-oriented research, human-centered innovation as well as open and engaged knowledge exchange as interrelated core areas with and establishes an exemplary multi-university campus across Europe.

St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (Austria)
Polytecnic Institute of Setubal (Portugal)
Polytechnical University Timisoara (Romania)
Szent Istvan University (Hungary)
UC Leuven-Limburg (Belgium)
Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (Latvia)

Project duration (exptected) 1.10.2020 – 30.9. 2023
Total funding: 6 241 667 EUR (4 993 333 EUR EC funding)
Project participants:  6 Universities, 9 Associated Partners, 55.700 students, 7.600 university staff (teaching, research and administration), 43 faculties or departments

Project coordinator: St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences
Project coordinator at ViA: Iveta Putniņa
Project team: Gatis Krūmiņš, Maira Leščevica, Alvis Sokolovs, Vera Grāvīte, Iveta Putniņa, Oskars Java, Agita Līviņa, Linda Lancere, Aigars Andersons


Extended reality in biomedical settings (REEB)


The general objectives of the project are: to bring closer together the reality of biomedical companies and health training centres through mixed reality, augmented reality and virtual reality and to improve the knowledge acquisition of our Students in health care training. During the project, remote student training, virtual rendering of a professional biomedical environment will take place: the aim is to truly and quickly create virtual working environments using BIM technology that can be used on a variety of platforms (mobile, tablet, PC...) or even 3D printing. Holographic simulators will be developed: in this direction, the aim is to create virtual biomedical device simulators using virtual and mixed realities with functionality similar to a real device, with opportunities to enrich experience with didactic elements.

ViA team: Arnis Cīrulis, Laura Ozoliņa, Toms Amsons

Project period: 09.01.2021. - 31.08.2023.

Project budget: EUR 289699.00 (ViA budget EUR 34533.00)

Project No. 2020-1-ES01-KA203-082244

Project homepage: Reeb – Realidad extendida en entornos biomédicos 


Wood for Youth

Wood for Youth is aiming to enhancing the competitiveness of young individuals in the woodhouse industry through interactive training programs and practical instruction. The choice of wood as the focal point stems from the evolving needs of the construction sector, which seeks low carbon footprint solutions. To facilitate this transformation, there is a growing demand for motivated and skilled labor capable of leading change within the industry.

The project's primary objective is to develop training programs tailored to the target group's characteristics, including their motivations, aspirations, and preferred learning methods. By incorporating this valuable insight, the project aims to create modern and engaging training program, increasing student motivation to enroll in the training programs and pursue rewarding careers in the woodhouse industry. The ultimate goal is to train 150 young individuals, equipping them with competitive skills applicable not only in the woodhouse sector but also across the construction industry as a whole.

The study program utilizes a combination of e-learning and practical lessons, enabling trainees to learn at their own pace and choose their preferred study times. Each program comprises a mandatory general module, providing a foundation of knowledge, as well as specialized modules offering practical lessons. Practical sessions take place in production facilities or on construction sites, depending on the chosen specialization. Notably, students from across the CB region will have the opportunity to participate in practical lessons abroad, broadening their exposure and experiences. Furthermore, optional modules serve as preparatory courses for those interested in pursuing further studies in the field of prefabricated timber buildings.

Duration: 36 months (01.03.2023 - 28.02.2026)
Total budget: 2 259 591€
Leadpartner: Estonian Woodhouse Association
Other partners: TTK University of Applied Sciences, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Finnish Federation of Woodworking Industry, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Project results:
- Three training programmes
- 150 youngsters have equipped with new competitive skills in woodhouse industry

The Wood for Youth project is co-funded by the European Union under Interreg Central Baltic Programme objective 6. Improved employment opportunities on labour market.


European Union project “Digital accelerator of Latvia (DAoL)”, ID Nr. 101083718 and the European Union Recovery and Resilience Facility plan ID Nr.


The objectives of Digital Accelerator of Latvia (DAoL) are to promote digital transformation and innovation, to improve the competitiveness of Latvian companies and the quality of public services through new digital solutions, to boost investments in research and development of ICT technology.

Project goals and activities:

The objectives for the first 3 years:

  • to develop fully operational EDIH, to support at least 1236 companies and organizations,
  • to invest 3.5 mil. EUR in digital transformation (DEP & RRF),
  • to trigger at least 2.4 mil. EUR from other financial sources.

Specialisation of DAoL:

  • AI with specialisation in R&D of new digital products and digital services.
  • 5G incl. application in IoT, Internet of Energy, Connectivity technologies, Autonomous and controlled vehicles, robots.
  • GovTech incl. Government as a platform, Cybersecurity, Quantum technologies and EdTech.

DAoL is designed as a one-stop agency to help entities become more competitive regarding their digitalisation processes, products, or services.

Project target group:

The target group of the project is micro, small, medium and large merchants, associations and foundations that unite several merchants, public persons or their institutions, capital companies of public persons, research and knowledge dissemination organizations registered in the territory of the Republic of Latvia, and which can develop and implement new digital transformation products.

Main activities:

Preparation of digital maturity tests, roadmaps and opinions for the final beneficiaries; support for experimentation, piloting and testing activities; consulting and mentoring; training and ICT skills development; fundraising consulting; networking and access to the innovation ecosystem.

Project partners:

Project involves 20 partners that provide access to extensive research and technological experience as well as support for entrepreneurship and innovation. Consortium includes 4 partners with DIH experience, 3 leading and 3 regional universities from Latvia, innovative NGOs with long-term experience in providing support in high technologies, green technologies, regional and technological development. DAoL will provide access to the latest digital skills and will support product innovation.

  • “Electronic Communications Office of Latvia” SJSC;
  • Ventspils High Technology Park;
  • Green Tech Cluster Latvia;
  • Valmiera Development Agency;
  • DAoL Rēzekne subsidary;
  • Rēzekne City Council;
  • University of Latvia;
  • Liepaja University;
  • Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies;
  • Riga Technical University;
  • Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences;
  • Institute of Solid State Physics University of Latvia;
  • Rezekne Academy of Technologies;
  • Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Latvia;
  • Institute of Electronics and Computer Science;
  • Ltd “Baltic Open Solutions Center”;
  • Ltd “DATI Group”;
  • TechHub Riga;
  • Ltd“Helve”;
  • Ltd “LEITC” jeb Latvian Electronic Equipment Testing Centre

Results and impact

During the project it is planned to test digital maturity and prepare digital transformation roadmaps of at least 1236 entities, ensure access to testing, prototyping, and experimenting for at least 128 entities, involve in trainings at least 360 entities, attract financing to at least 46 entities, and have at least 40 collaborations.

The planned results of the Recovery Fund project envisage providing support in the field of digital transformation to 3,500 final beneficiaries.

Project timeframe

Project activities are planned for 3 years from 1st September 2022 – 31st August 2023.

The duration of the European Union Recovery and Resilience Facility project is 46 months from September 2022 to June 2026.

Project budget

The total cost of the project is EUR 6,765,999.64, of which EUR 1,765,999.64 is covered by the European Commission within the "Digital Europe" program and EUR 5 million EUR by Recovery fund.

Co-financed by the European Union project "Digital Accelerator of Latvia", DAoL, ID no. 101083718 and the European Union Recovery and Resilience Facility plan ID Nr.

The European Union is not responsible for the content of this page.


Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Cēsu street 4, Tērbatas street 10, Valmiera, LV-4201, Latvija

Company reg. Nr. LV90001342592