Vidzemes University, the International Tourism Studies Association and the International Journal of Tourism Cities are co-organizing the 10th ITSA Biennial Conference in Riga

Vidzemes University, the International Tourism Studies Association (ITSA), and the International Journal of Tourism Cities IJTC) are co-organizing the 10th ITSA Biennial Conference in Riga, Latvia, 17-20, September 2024. The overall theme of the event is: “Bridging the Gaps in Tourism Knowledge and Practice: The  Future of Sustainable, Smart and Secure Tourism and Hospitality”. There are four sub-themes in Safety and Security, the New Traveller, the Circular Economy, and Urban Tourism Research.

It is with pleasure and enthusiasm that we extend a warm invitation to the forthcoming 10th International Tourism Studies Association (ITSA) Biennial Conference, a distinguished gathering that will convene in the charming capital of Latvia, Riga. As the third-largest city in Northern Europe, Riga provides an enchanting backdrop for the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and insights in the dynamic field of tourism” (said Agita Livina, Professor, Vidzemes University and Conference Chair).

The conference will serve as a nexus for academia, industry professionals, and researchers to explore and deliberate upon pivotal themes shaping the contemporary tourism landscape. The overarching theme of the conference is intricately woven around three key dimensions: safety and security,  changes in traveler behavior, and  the imperative of circularity in tourism. These critical facets demand concerted attention from educators, researchers, and industry practitioners. Through collaborative efforts, the even aims to bridge the existing gaps in tourism knowledge and practice, propelling society toward a future marked by Sustainable, Smart, and Secure tourism and hospitality.

ITSA is uniquely devoted to scholarly exchange between researchers and practitioners focusing on the growth of tourism worldwide. Founded in 2006 in Hangzhou, China, ITSA is an unincorporated charitable association based in London, UK. ITSA is committed to developing a worldwide tourism leadership forum that facilitates improvements in global hospitality and tourism. ITSA is unique among international associations of tourism scholars and practitioners. It has the mission to encourage interaction and cooperation between members in developing and developed countries” (Professor Cinà van Zyl, ITSA President, University of South Africa).

The International Journal of Tourism Cities is the only academic journal exclusively dedicated to urban tourism research. A peer-reviewed journal, IJTC provides an international forum for the study of urban tourism and tourism cities. The journal aims to be inter-disciplinary in its appreciation of tourism cities and tourism in urban areas. IJTC has the highest rating of Q1 on the Scopus journal ranking system” (Professor J. Andres Coca-Stefaniak, IJTC Co-Editor-in-Chief). IJTC welcomes original, theoretically-informed articles from those involved in the planning, management or marketing of tourism in city destination or places adjoining urban areas. IJTC has four distinct purposes:

  • To encourage greater research and scholarship related to tourism in urban settings.
  • To stimulate more interdisciplinary research on tourism in cities, particularly the integration of tourism and urban studies theories and principles.
  • To generate more research studies on tourism at the edge of cities, where urban and rural areas converge.
  • To create more literature on best practices in city tourism worldwide through in-depth analyses and the production of exemplary case studies.

IJTC is the official journal of ITSA and is published in England by Emerald.

Around 250 participants are expected from the Baltic States (Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania), Scandinavia, other parts of Europe, Asia, Africa, and other countries.

More information: Alastair M. Morrison, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

An international group of scientists has completed the calculation of the historical Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the Baltic States over the last 100 years

On April 11th, 2024, data on the historical GDP of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia over a period of 100 years starting from 1920, will be made public for the first time. Comparative GDP calculations for various regions within the Baltic States have also been conducted.

These and many other data on the demographics and agriculture of the Baltic States have been compiled into an interactive database, which will be accessible to all interested parties starting from April 11th.

Scientific leader of the project Gatis Krūmiņš, a lead researcher at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, explains the main results of the research: "The result of an intensive work over a period of three years will allow us to look at the last 100 years of the Baltic States' history from a different perspective. It will be more based on facts than emotions. The results of our study will challenge some assumptions about the economic history of Latvia, such as the slowdown in economic development during the authoritarian regime of Kārlis Ulmanis, or the decline in production that began only after the restoration of the state independence in 1990-1991. The results of our study will help answer questions about when and how the development of our regions, especially Latgale, began. How the land use has changed and many other things."

On April 11th, a public event to present the results of the research project will take place at the EU House (28 Aspazijas Boulevard, Riga) from 14:00 to 16:00. Gatis Krūmiņš, Kaspars Osis (Associate Professor at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences), and Adomas Klimantas (Vilnius and Oxford University) will present the main results of the research work and the database created, followed by a panel discussion (participants: Viktors Valainis (Minister of Economics), Egils Levits (former President of the country), Ojārs Kehris (President of the Association of Economists and former Minister of Economics), Adomas Klimantas (PhD candidate at Oxford University), and Ola Honningdal Grytten (Professor at the Norwegian School of Economics); moderator – Pauls Raudseps).

The project "Quantitative Data on Social and Economic Transformations in Three Baltic States Regions Over the Past Hundred Years for the Analysis of Historical Transformations and Overcoming Future Challenges" (No. EEA-RESEARCH-174, 2021-2024) is one of the projects of the Baltic Research Program financially supported by the European Economic Area (EEA) grants.

The event will take place within the framework of the international scientific conference of Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences SOCIETY. TECHNOLOGIES. SOLUTIONS, and will be broadcasted live.


Project partners:
Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (leading partner)
Norwegian School of Economics, Norway
Vilnius University, Lithuania (
University of Tartu, Estonia (

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Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences signs a tripartite agreement with Austrian and Dutch colleagues on the development of a joint master's study program

At the end of January, Saxion University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands) and FH St. Pölten (Austria) representatives met at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences to sign a tripartite agreement on the creation of a joint master's study program.

The joint master's program GRACE (Gamified Reality Applications for Real-World Challenges and Experiences) is planned as an innovative and new initiative and will be developed to enable students to learn augmented reality (XR) and improve gamification learning experiences. This interdisciplinary program will focus on the development of advanced XR tools that will shape professional education and skills development in the healthcare, education and industrial sectors.

The GRACE (Gamified Reality Applications for Real-world Challenges and Experiences) Joint Master Programme is an innovative initiative by a consortium of leading European universities designed to master the art and science of Extended Reality (XR) and gamification for enhanced learning experiences. This interdisciplinary program focuses on developing advanced XR tools that revolutionize professional education, training, and skill development across healthcare, education and industrial sectors.

These three higher education institutions are partners in the European University Alliance E³UDRES², which is coordinated by FH St. University of Pölten. Universities have common teaching and research methods that will be used in the new study program. Participating in this joint master's program development means investing in the future of technology and education!

Accelerate Future HEI: Reflecting on Year One for Entrepreneurial Transformation in Higher Education Institutions

The first year of the project Accelerate Future HEI has just ended and it is time to summarize the results of first year and outline the tasks and challenges of the next stages. The main goal of the project is to develop and test acceleration services, to equip Higher Education institutions (HEIs) with the skills and capacity to drive the institutional transformation towards becoming more entrepreneurial and- innovative institutions. At the same time, there are several other sub-goals subordinated to the main goal. For capacity building of the participating HE institutions comprehensive skills development program implementation will be very important, as well as evaluation mechanism what can monitor progress of the HEIs in the implementation of chosen areas from the transformation agenda. Also for a wider possibility of transformations important is generation police feedback to the European Commission and Member States. Being one of the partners of Accelerate Future HEI, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences also can share valuable knowledge with partners and gain new experience that will be useful for the university, the region and the country.

At the very beginning of the project it was very important to ask ourselves some questions – what do we want to achieve as an institution? What is our vision for entrepreneurial and innovative transformation? What are our key resources, strengths, and also weaknesses? Are people ready to engage in transformative changes and which of our staff could be as a driving force in the process of change? To get answers to these questions, we collected all internal and external assets in different categories - for example, Policies, Structures, Talent Capital, Research Potential, Networks etc. (as Internal assets), and also Physical, Intellectual assets, Human, Financial etc. resources (as External assets). By collecting both internal and external resources, we were able to see the potential of both already known and yet unseen cooperation partners, people and institutions much more widely. Consequently, we were able to see the strengths of the organization much better: 
1) Our university is a relatively small, but ambitious and dynamic organization, what is flexible, with short decision-making “chain” and able to quickly make change and adapt to different changes; 
2) We have lot of External Assets (for example, Open Innovation Hub, Business Incubator, Valmiera ce-creation workshop space, Valmiera Development Agency etc.), and these networks could allow us to be open to many new ideas;
 3) Active scientific activity and different projects in regional, national and international levels strengths not our scientific potential, but also entrepreneurial activities, networking and promotion to digital transformation and innovation
Focus group activity (supported by Accelerate Future HEI organizational team) brought together both internal, across different parts of the ViA, and external stakeholders to discuss and collaboratively envisage the desired future state and goals for institutional transformation, vision and direction of change as well as talk about our ambition to become a more entrepreneurial and innovative university. Role of regional University as a major actor in the regional ecosystem, focusing on achieving an institutional restructuring to encourage and cultivate more innovation on education were found as key factors for achieving transformation. Also, participants of focus group mentioned that:
 1) for providing incentives for entrepreneurship, the university’s leadership should clearly show value of participation in entrepreneurial activities, revise and create clear rules on intellectual property and shared ownership of joint projects, provide clear guidelines and information on available funding options for external collaborations.
 2) for providing recognition for entrepreneurship, the university can provide public recognition of student and academic’s contribution to research and industry, show more good practices of engagement and valorization and successful collaboration and give entrepreneurial roles and incentives to research institute’ directors. 
Academics and Students Survey, that was organized in summer of 2023, was focused on exploring respondents view about engagement in entrepreneurial activities in ViA, entrepreneurial perceptions, attitudes, and intentions as well as main challenges of their work in undertaking these activities. Student’s results confirmed different possibilities to engage in entrepreneurial activities during the school time, involving in challenge - based learning participation in internship, but on the other hand, most of students created no start-up or entrepreneurial ventures, but at least most respondents know someone who personally started business or is in the thinking or planning process of starting a business. Nonetheless, more than half of students expect to start a business within the next three years.
Academics were also asked about vision for entrepreneurial and innovative transformation of ViA. Respondents reflect that they face four main challenges which hinder them from undertaking entrepreneurial and innovation activities- first, they notice workload allocation as a challenge for engagement, secondly, the lack of incentives and rewards was mentioned as challenge. Also lack of administrative support and financial support, structures and mechanisms were highlighted in findings of survey. Academics responders also were asked about their vision of innovative and entrepreneurial transformation, and answers can be divided into three main categories of focus for the university: 
1) mission-oriented education and research (for example, innovative lectures labs, an openness for not absolute entrepreneurial transformation, increasing the number of participants in innovation programs etc.); 
2) active participation in ecosystem (for example, green business incentives, connection with existing entrepreneurial challenges in the region, attraction of professional from industry, creation of one-step agency etc.); 
3) institutional support (set quality instead of quantity as a priority, support human capital, better communication inside organization etc.). 
To continue the discussion of organizational change a joint work seminar of all university employees was held, and employees of all university levels worked in groups on the most important strategic transformation areas (Excellence and cooperation in research; Lifelong education; Promotion of innovations for the national economy; The potential of digital transformation; Quality infrastructure/real estate). Some of the outcomes and conclusions from the employees were:
-    The values included in the university's strategy must also be discussed and included in our daily work. 
-    Creativity, cooperation, entrepreneurship, respect and responsibility, sustainability, and academic freedom. Employees can help ensure that the university's vision and strategy align with its core values and culture. This alignment is crucial for maintaining consistency and integrity throughout the university.
-    The development of the university goes hand in hand with the development of personnel, the creation of a lifelong learning offer, the creation of a student attraction strategy, the creation of modern teaching methods, etc.
-    EUDRES's partnership allows us to see different development models of higher education institutions and it is necessary to continue gaining valuable experience.
-    The development of innovations in the university is closely related to digitalization, commercialization, and valorization of products, as well as a common understanding of the inevitability of innovations, technology transfer, thus raising capacity at different levels of the university.
One of the biggest challenges of the project was to choose the direction of the transformation, considering all the previous activities and findings. To focus further transformation activities, the working group of the university staff worked in a joint “Roadmap” workshop and proposed the following future directions of action. Institutional commitment for proactively initiating innovation projects, also in regions is very necessary for clear plan making and structure of innovation. Support and establish partnerships with external could create bridges with local and international learning enterprises and drive the regional innovation eco-system in new quality. Also, excellence in research and education was put forward as one of the directions. There many activities are possible to develop- prototyping and iterative presses as part of educational curriculum, identification of success stories to enable for proactive valorization doers, providing more ECTS for innovation and entrepreneurship courses, providing research, data analysis for future needs etc. For all these activities engaged, supporting and aware leadership should take innovative approaches to accelerate transformation. One of the core transformation branches should be also digital transformation in all levels- in educational and academical activities, administrative functions, communication processes, digital competencies promotion.  Some other perspective directions and activities were mentioned- organize problem-solving classes, hackathons to tap on current and future student’s educational needs, support meaningful and applicable research, create an Idea Bank to collect initiative drafts with innovative and entrepreneurial potential etc. 
As main next step for the projects is framing and defining next ITAPS (The Institutional Transformation Action Plan), what outline the main projects or initiatives each HEI. These must be focus or key areas for the HEI where they are facing challenges or need extra support to implement. Each partner will selects focus areas or initiatives for implementation, and it will be both possibility and big challenge to work on implementation of activities. There may be overlap in people involved but it is important that the ITAP has a clear leader and internal stakeholders who will be responsible for driving and implementing ITAPs. 

At the hackathon, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences will look for new ideas for using wood materials and technologies

In order to promote innovations in wood processing and the production of value-added products, as well as in the use of technologies, 23-25 ​​2024 Wood technology hackathon organized by Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (ViA) and the Vidzeme Planning Region will take place in Valmiera in February.

Specialists in the construction of wooden buildings and the wood industry, students, information technology specialists, engineers, etc., are invited to apply. Interested or industry enthusiasts and experts who have ideas on this topic. We also invite companies that are ready to offer their employees' teams and time to develop innovative solutions in the following topics: Digitization in the construction of wooden and clean buildings; Reusable and transformable scenes; Transformable wooden interiors.

Director of the ViA study program "Sustainable building construction" (New Construction School) p.i. Marija Katrīna Dambe:
"While implementing the study program of Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences "Sustainable building construction", we have already established excellent cooperation between students and employers-industry entrepreneurs and organizations, and the hackathon is another form in which we can strengthen both cooperations and contribute to the creation of synergies between industries for them: in the production of wood products, in the construction of wooden buildings, in information technologies, etc. This spring, the "small hackathon" confirmed both the potential of ideas and the demand for this form of creating innovations. Therefore, we are sure that the February event will contribute even more to the industries."

"The fourth Vidzeme wood hackathon invites entrepreneurs, students, and industry professionals to get involved in creating innovative solutions for the wood industry. Emphasizing the importance of cross-sectoral cooperation, experts and students of the wood construction, forestry, and IT industry are invited to use their knowledge and experience to jointly find solutions to various challenges and make a significant contribution to the more effective development of the wood industry," says Ieva Kreile, a senior expert of the Vidzeme planning region.

A hackathon or idea marathon is an idea generation event, during which established teams create new and innovative solutions to various identified challenges in a short time. A hackathon is a meeting place for representatives and enthusiasts of various levels and professions. You don't need to be a professional to participate, the event format is not just for students.

The common goal of presenting ideas is to promote the cooperation of the municipality, higher education institutions, businesses, and various other groups of society for the development of business in the Vidzeme planning region.

The ideas created during the hackathon belong to the teams that created them. If the team wins one of the challenges, it is invited to participate in the implementation or further development of the idea together with the author of the task.

Language of the event: English. You can read more information about the event, as well as apply here:

The wood technology hackathon will take place in the Vidzeme Entrepreneurship Center project of the Vidzeme Planning Region "Entrepreneurship Support Measures in the Vidzeme Planning Region", which is co-financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway using EEA grants, as well as the Blended Intensive Program (from English: Blended Intensive Program) support.

Information prepared by:
Communication group of Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
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Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Cēsu street 4, Tērbatas street 10, Valmiera, LV-4201, Latvija

Company reg. Nr. LV90001342592