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van der Steina, A., Rozite, M., Runce, I., Strods, K. (2024). Between revival of memory and dark tourism: The future of holocaust-related sites in Latvia.
Majore, G., Majors, I., Zaķis, K. (2024). Conceptual Modelling of Digital Twin for Smart Agriculture.
Cirulis A., Ginters E. (2007) Graphical Objects’ Visualization Methods And Creation Of A Virtual Environment For Training On Technological Processes Control
In Annual Proceedings of Vidzeme University College ICTE in Regional Development, Valmiera, Latvia, 2007, ISBN 9984-633-10-1, pp.64-70
Ginters E., Cirulis A. (2007) VR Solutions Use In Training Of Glass Melting Oven Operators
Proceedings of the 10th IFF Wissenschaftstage “Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality zum Planen, Testen und Betrieben technischer Systeme”
Ed. by Prof. Dr.-Ing.habil. Michael Schenk (Hrsg.), Magdeburg, Germany, June 27-28, 2007, ISBN 978-3-8167-7383-2, pp.123-129.
Ginters E., Cirulis A., Akishin V. (2007) Virtual Environment Use In E-Learning
Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on E-Activities 07, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, 14-16 December, 2007, ISBN 978-960-6766-22-8, pp.12-17
Thomson-Reuters Web of Science
Cirulis A., Ginters E. (2008) Virtual Environment And Components For Interraction
Annual Proceedings of Vidzeme University College ICTE in Regional Development, Valmiera, Latvia, ISBN 9984-633-13-6, 2008, pp.31-35
Cirulis A., Ginters E. (2008) Components Providing Visualization And Trainee’s Interaction In Virtual Environment
Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS/IASME International Conference on Educational Technologies (EDUTE 08), Corfu, Greece, October 26-28, 2008, ISBN 978-960-474-013-0, pp.127-132
Thomson-Reuters Web of Science
Cirulis A., Ginters E. (2008) Control Of Simulation Elements In Virtual World
Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on Automatic Control, Modelling and Simulation (ACMOS 09), Istanbul, Turkey, May 30-June 1, 2009, ISBN 978-960-474-082-6, pp.495-501
Thomson-Reuters Web of Science
Lauberte I., Ginters E., Cirulis A. (2009) Agent-Based Simulation Use In Multi-Step Training Systems Based On Applicant’s Character Recognition
Proceedings of the 13th East-European Conference on Advances In Databases And Information Systems, Riga, Latvia, September 7-20, 2009, ISSN 0302-9743. pp.16-22
Springer Verlag
Cirulis A., Ginters E., Brigmanis K. (2009) Virtual Reality's Technologies Use In E-Learning
Proceedings of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on EActivities and the 8th WSEAS International Conference on Information Security and Privacy, Puerto de La Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, December 14-16, 2009, ISBN 978-960-474-143-4, 2009, pp.148-154
Thomson-Reuters Web of Science
Cirulis A., Brigmanis K. (2010) Technologies Selection For VR/AR Systems Development
Proceedings of the Annual 16th International Scientific Conference Research For Rural Development, Jelgava, Latvia, May 19-21, 2010, ISSN 1691-4031, pp.208-213
Cirulis A., Brigmanis K. (2011) Serious Game: Meat Grinder For Food Processing Vocational Schools
Proceedings of the Virtual And Augmented Reality (VR/AR) In Education - VARE 2011, Valmiera, Latvia, March 18, 2011, ISBN 978-9984-633-18-3, pp.137
Cirulis A., Brigmanis K. (2011) Software Modules Development For Input Devices In VR/AR Learning Systems
Proceedings of the Virtual And Augmented Reality (VR/AR) In Education - VARE 2011, Valmiera, Latvia, March 18, 2011, ISBN 978-9984-633-18-3, pp.35-40
Cirulis A., Ginters E. (2011) Training Scenario Operations Realization In Virtual Reality
Proceedings of the 13th WSEAS International Conference on Automatic Control, Modelling and Simulation (ACMOS 11), Lanzarote, Spain, May 27-29, 2011, ISBN 978-1-61804-004-6, pp.39-44
Thomson-Reuters Web of Science
Ginters E., Cirulis A., Blums G. (2013) Markerless outdoor AR – RFID solution for logistics
Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education (VARE 2013), Puerto de la Cruz, Spain, November 7-8, 2013, Volume 25, Pages 80–89
Published by Elsevier
Cirulis A., Brigmanis K. (2013) 3D Outdoor Augmented Reality for Architecture and Urban Planning
Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education (VARE 2013), Puerto de la Cruz, Spain, November 7-8, 2013, Volume 25, Pages 71–79
Published by Elsevier
Petrova, E., Jansone, D., Silkāne, V. (2014). The Development and Assessement of Competencies in Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 140, pp 241-245
2nd World Conference on Psychology and Sociology, PSYSOC 2013, 2013.gada 27.-29.novembris, Brisele, Beļģija
Indeksēts Web of Science. Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.
Cirulis A., Ginters E. (2013) Augmented reality in logistics
Proceedings of the ICTE in Regional Development, Valmiera, Latvia, December 2013, Volume 26, Pages 14–20
Published by Elsevier
Jurane-Bremane, A. (2014). Formative assessment in higher education: analysis of the experience
Sabiedriba Integracija Izglitiba, Vol 1, 114-122, ISSN 1691-5887
Indeksēts Web of Science datu bāzē. Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.
Cirulis A., Ginters E. (2014) Visualization techniques for simulation models in virtual reality
Proceedings of the European Modeling and Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2014), Bordeaux, France, September 10-12, 2014, Pages 530-535
Published by Elsevier
Cirulis A., Liepina E. (2014) Designing an interactive and augmented 3D environment with passive tactile feedback for veterinary training
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Augmented and Virtual Reality (AVR 2014), Lecce, Italy, September 17-20, 2014, Pages 442 – 450
Published by Springer
Cirulis A., De Paolis L. T. & Tutberidze M. (2015) Virtualization of Digitalized Cultural Heritage and Use Case Scenario Modeling for Sustainability Promotion of National Identity
Proceedings of ICTE in regional Development 2015, Procedia Computer Science 77, 2015, Pages 199-206
Published by Elsevier
Atstaja, Dz., Brivers, I., Livina, A. National approaches to planning and tourism in Latvia
(2015) Planning For Tourism: Towards a Sustainable Future, pp. 222-239
SCOPUS, Web of Sciences, British Library
Livina, A., Rozentale, S., Smalinskis, J. Nature as indicator of place economic sustainability
(2015) Economic Science for Rural Development: Integrated and Sustainable Regional Development, 38, pp. 92-102
Web of Science, EBSCO
Rozentale, S., Livina, A. Indicators for regional entrepreneurial potential
(2015) Economic Science for Rural Development: Integrated and Sustainable Regional Development, 38, pp. 60-70
Web of Science, EBSCO
González, A., Daly, G., Pinch, P., Adams N., Valtenbergs, V., Burns, M.C., Johannesson, H. Indicators for Spatial Planning and Territorial Cohesion: Stakeholder-Driven Selection Approach for Improving Usability at Regional and Local Levels
(2015) Regional Studies, 49 (9), pp. 1588-1602
SCOPUS, Web of Science
Grinfelde, I., Lotina, L. Visitors of Ancient Sacred Sites in Vidzeme Region from the Perspective of Tourist Information Centres
(2015) Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 15 (4), pp. 341-356
SCOPUS, Web of Science
Buholcs, J. Media Use Among Social Networking Site Users in Latvia
(2015) International Journal of Communication, 9, pp. 2653-2673
Kunga, E., Buholcs, J. A Review of Municipal Environmental Communication Research: Stakeholders, Instruments and Evaluation (2009-2014)
(2015) Economic Science for Rural Development: Integrated and Sustainable Regional Development, 38, pp. 165-174
Web of Science
Ore, M. Analysis of Agricultural Sustainability Indicators System
(2015) Economic Science for Rural Development: Integrated and Sustainable Regional Development, 38, pp. 216-226
Web of Science
Rajevska, F., Stavausis, D. Improving financial literacy at school: a way to ensure retirement well-being
(2015) The Future of Education, pp. 491-495
Ginters, E., Aizstrauts, A., Sakne, I., Piera Eroles, M.-A., Buil, R., Wang, B. The Yantai Urban Economic Development Assessment Simulator
(2015) New Contributions in Information Systems and Technologies. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 353, pp. 629-639
Buil, R., Piera, M.A., Gusev, M., Ginters, E. MAS Simulation for Decision Making in Urban Policy Design: Bicycle Infrastructure
(2015) Proceedings of 17th International Conference of Harbour, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation (HMS 2015), pp. 95-102
Aizstrauts, A., Aizstrauta, D., Ginters, E., Aizstrauts, A. Simulators Sustainability Assessment
(2015) Proceedings of 27th Europen Modelling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2015), pp. 36-45
Burkhardt, D., Nazemi, K., Ginters, E. Best-Practice Piloting based on an Integrated Social Media Analysis and Visualization for E-Participation Simulation in Cities
(2015) The 3rd International Conference of Virtual and Augmented Reality on Education (VARE 2015). Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, 77, pp. 11-21
Web of Science
Nazemi, K., Burkhardt, D., Ginters, E., Kohlhammer, D. Semantics Visualization – Definition, Approaches and Challenges
(2015) The 3rd International Conference of Virtual and Augmented Reality on Education (VARE 2015), Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, 75, pp. 75-83
Web of Science
Ginters, E., Aizstrauts, A., Piera Eroles, M-A., Buil, R. Economic Development Assessment Simulator Based on Yantai Use Case
(2015) ICTE in Regional Development, Procedia Computer Science, 77, pp. 22-32
Web of Science
Burkhardt, D., Nazemi, K., Tomic, S., Ginters, E. Best-Practice Piloting of Integrated Social Media Analysis Solution for E-Participation in Cities
(2015) ICTE in Regional Development, Procedia Computer Science, 77, pp. 11-21
Web of Science
Jakobsone, A., Cakula, S. Automated learning support system to provide sustainable cooperation between adult education institutions and enterprises
(2015) ICTE in Regional Development 2015, Procedia Computer Science, 43, pp. 127–133
Ratniece, D., Cakula, S. Digital opportunities for student’s motivation enhancement
(2015) International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology, 65, pp. 754-760
Cakula, S., Jakobsone, A., Florea, M. Automated learning support system for adult education institutions and enterprises
(2015) ICTE in Regional Development. Procedia Computer Science, pp. 191-198
Krumins, G., Krumina, I., Rozentale, S. Preconditions for regional economic growth at the district level in Vidzeme, Latvia
(2015) 20th International Scientific Conference - Economics and Management (ICEM-2015), Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, pp. 117-122
Web of Science
Krumins, G., Krumina, I., Rozentale, S. Vidzeme Region of Latvia: Knowledge Management in Micro Enterprises
(2015) 20th International Scientific Conference - Economics and Management (ICEM-2015), Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, pp. 781-786
Web of Science
Lescevica, M. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Potential in Diaspora in a Context of Regional Smart Specialisation
(2015) SGEM 2015: Political Sciences, Law, Finance, Economics and Tourism, Vol. III: Economics and Tourism,
Book Series: International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences and Arts, pp. 453-459
Web of Science
Livina, A., Atstaja, Dz. Understanding the Philosophy and Performance of Tourism and Leisure in Protected Areas for transition to a Green Economy
(2015) "Tourism in the Green Economy”, Routledge, pp. 71-86
Web of Science
Osis, K., Cakula, S., Kapenieks, A., Zarifis, G. Lifelong Learning Strategy Framework for the Vidzeme Region
(2015) ICTE in Regional Development, Procedia Computer Science, 77, pp. 104-112
Web of Science
Andersons, A., Ritter, S. (2015) Advanced RFID applications for sports events management: The case of SPORTident in Latvia
ICTE in Regional Development, Procedia Computer Science, 43, pp. 78-85,
Ratniece, D., Cakula, S., Kapenieks, K., Zagorskis, V. (2015) Digital opportunities for 1st year university students’ educational support and motivational enhancement
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 407, 2016, Pages 69-78, DOI:
Indeksēts SCOPUS datu bāzē.
Klepers A., Druva-Druvaskalne I., Ābele L., Jūrmalietis R., Kokina I., Bāra J., Martinsone Ž. (2016). Implementation of smart specialisation strategy in specially protected nature territories: capacity of social environment
Latvijas Zinātņu Akadēmijas Vēstis. A: Sociālās un humanitārās zinātnes, 70 (3). 102-111
Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.
Rozentale, S., Livina, A., Brigsa, S., Andersons, A., Kreituze, I. (2016) Personal Competences for future labour market in Vidzeme region, Latvia
Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference "Economic Science for Rural Development", Issue 42, pp. 107-113
Indeksēts Web of Science datu bāzē. Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.
Lotina, L. (2016) Conceptualizing Engagement Modes: Understanding Museum-Audience Relationships in Latvian Museums
(Promocijas darbs) Tartu Universitāte
Ore, M., Melbārde, V. (2016) Influencing Factors of Rural Areas Development: Vidzeme Region Case Analysis
New Challenges of Economic and Business Development – 2016 Society, Innovations and Collaborative Economy, pp. 484-495
Indeksēts Web of Science datu bāzē. Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.
Valtenbergs, V., Irbīte, I., Ebele, I. (2016) Global Education for Next Generation of Business Decision Makers. What do the Teachers Say?
Conference Proceedings “New Challenges of Economic and Business Development: Society, Innovations and Collaborative Economy”, pp. 882-890, DOI: 10.22364/ncebd.2016
Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.
Cakula, S., Osis, K., Kapenieks, A. (2016) Lifelong Learning Management System in Vidzeme Region
Society. Integration. Education. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, pp. 517-526
Indeksēts Web of Science datu bāzē. Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.
Cakula, S., Osis, K., Kapenieks, A. (2016) Actual demands based knowledge intensive technological model for lifelong learning development in Vidzeme Region
International Journal of Education and Information Technologies, Volume 10, pp. 25-30, ISSN: 2074-1316
Indeksēts Web of Science datu bāzē. Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.
Karaseva, A. (2016) Relationship of Internet self-efficacy and online search performance of secondary school teachers
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 231, pp. 278-285, DOI:
Indeksēts Web of Science datu bāzē. Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.
Rajevska, F., Silina, G., Stavausis, D. (2016) Deinstitutionalization: Challenges for policy-makers in Latvia
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Indeksēts Web of Science datu bāzē. Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.
Binde, J., Zvirbule, V., Demjanova, Z., Saulite, I. (2016) The Internet of Things (IoT) Business Potential in Latvia
New Challenges of Economic and Business Development – 2016. Society, Innovations and Collaborative Economy, pp. 99-112
Indeksēts Web of Science datu bāzē. Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.
Kroics, K., Sokolovs, A. (2016) Interleaved DC-DC Converter with Discrete Duty Cycle and Open Loop Control
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, Volume 53, Issue 4, pp. 14-21, ISSN: 08688257, DOI: 10.1515/lpts-2016-0024
Indeksēts SCOPUS datu bāzē. Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.
Cakula, S., Jakobsone, A., Florea, M. (2016) Modelling of knowledge sharing processes for the provision of trilateral cooperation
Procedia Computer Science 104 (2017) 160 – 165. ISSN 1877-0509. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2017.01.095
Indeksēts SCOPUS datu bāzē. Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.
Melece, L. (2016) Challenges and opportunities of circular economy and green economy
Engineering for Rural Development, Jelgava, 25.-27.05.2016., pp. 1162-1169
Indeksēts SCOPUS un Web of Science. Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.
Melece, L., Krieviņa, A. (2016) Bioenergy in Latvia: Sector value and impacts
Engineering for Rural Development, Jelgava, 25.-27.05.2016, pp. 1170-1176
Melece, L., Krieviņa, A., Spoge, I. (2016) Sustainability aspects of bioenergy production: Case of Latvia
Proceedings of 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2016, ISBN 978-619-7105-67-4 / ISSN 1314-2704, June 28 - July 6, 2016, Book 5 Vol. 3, 569-576 pp
Indeksēts SCOPUS datu bāzē.
Pelse, M., Lescevica, M. (2016) Smart specialisation assessment in Latvia
Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference “ECONOMIC SCIENCE FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT” No 42 Jelgava, LLU ESAF, 21-22 April 2016, pp. 126-131
Indeksēts Web of Science datu bāzē. Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.
Melece, L., Krieviņa, A. (2016) Comparison of the consumption of wood pellets between Latvia and other EU countries
Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference “ECONOMIC SCIENCE FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT” No 41 Jelgava, LLU ESAF, 21-22 April 2016, pp. 210-218
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Melece, L., Krieviņa, A., Hazners, J. (2016) Competitiveness of Latvian dairy sector: productivity and export
Research for Rural Development 2016, Volume 2, pp. 181-188
Indeksēts Web of Science datu bāzē. Pils teksts pieejams šeit.
Cakula, S., Kapenieks, A., Gorbunovs, A. (2016) Self-discipline as a Key Indicator to Improve Learning Outcomes in e-learning Environment
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 231, 5 October 2016, Pages 256-262, DOI:
Indeksēts Web of Science datu bāzē. Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.
Lescevica M. (2016) Innovative approach to Diaspora's involvement in Latvia's entrepreneurship: technology and tools
3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific conference in Social Sciences and Arts, SGEM 2016, ISBN 9781510835931
Indeksēts Web of Science datu bāzē
Rajevska F., Rajevska O. (2016) Why the share of small amount pensions is so substantial in Latvia?
Riga, Latvia, November 23-25, 2016. 6th International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference SOCIETY. HEALTH. WELFARE, DOI:
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Rozentāle, S., Līviņa, A., Brigsa, S., Andersons, A., Kreituze, I. (2016) Future Labour Market Demand in Vidzeme Region, Latvia
9th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2016” May 12–13, 2016, Vilnius, LITHUANIA, DOI: 10.3846/bm.2016.18
Indeksēts Web Of Science datu bāzē. Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.
Līviņa, A., Rozentāle, S., Brigsa, S., Andersons, A., Kreituze, I.. (2016) Personal Competences for Future Labour Market in Vidzeme Region, Latvia
Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference “ECONOMIC SCIENCE FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT” No 42 Jelgava, LLU ESAF, 21-22 April 2016, pp. 107-113
Indeksēts Web Od Science datu bāzē. Pilns teksts piejams šeit.
Smalinskis J., Auzina A. (2017) Preconditions for establishment and historical development stages of Latvian rural tourism association "Country holidays"
Proceedings of 18 th Annual international scientific conference "Economic science for rural development" 27-28 April 2017, Jelagava, Latvia. Vol. 45, pp.221-227
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Golca L., Rajevska F. (2017) Work based learning programmes in Latvia
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Ore M., Melbarde V. (2017) Resources of environment: aspects of smart rural development
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Lescevica M., Pukite I. (2017) Modern solutions to decision making process for residential housing management in high migration conditions
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Legzdina K., Rajevska F. (2017) Step towards alternative child care: analysis of child care deinstitutionalization components (based on the research in Vidzeme region, Latvia)
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Broka A., Mihailova A., Demme-Vimba D. (2017) Meaningful employment of young adults with intellectual disabilities in Latvia
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Koka, R., Jurāne-Brēmane, A., Koķe, T. (2017). Formative Assessment in Higher Education: From Theory to Practice
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Jurane-Bremane, A. (2017). Formative Assessment as Three-sided Process in Higher Education
10th International Scientific Conference on Rural Environment, Education and Personality (REEP), Issue 10, 92-99, ISSN 2255-808X
Indeksēts Web of Science datubāzē. Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.
Valtenbergs V., Brigsa S., Livina A., Vilka I. (2017) Scenarious of Local Government Intervention in Case of Market Failure. The Case of Latvia
9th International Scientific Conference “New Challenges of Economic and Business Development – 2017: Digital Economy”: Riga, Latvia, May 18-20, 2017. Proceedings of Reports. Riga: University of Latvia, 2017, pp. 655 - 666
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Silkane, V., Austers, I. (2017). Exploring 35-44 years old men's health behaviour: A qualitative perspective
Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Volume I, May 26th-27th, 2017. 649-658
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Rajevska F., Reima K. (2017) Investing in Preschool Age Children - a Case Study of Vidzeme Region (Latvia)
Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION.", May 26 - 27, 2017, Rēzekne, Latvia, Vol. 4, pp. 353 - 362, DOI:
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Kūle L., Rajevska F. (2017) The Inclusion of Special Education Into Preschool and Elementary General Education Institutions in Latvia
Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION.", May 26 - 27, 2017, Rēzekne, Latvia, Vol. 3, pp. 60 - 70, DOI:
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Karaseva A. (2017) Manifestations of Teacher Professional Agency in Realtion to Integration of ICT in Teaching
Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION.", May 26 - 27, 2017, Rēzekne, Latvia, Vol. 3, pp. 500 - 514.
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Veliverronena L., Grīnfelde I., Smukā I., Līviņa A., Smaļinskis J., Vasile R., Krūzmētra Ž., Buholcs J. (2017) Nemateriālais kultūras mantojums pasākumos. Padomnieks pasākumu rīkotājiem
Vidzemes Augstskolas Sociālo, ekonomisko un humanitāro pētījumu institūts, 2017. ISBN 978-9984-633-37-4
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Veidemane K., Ruskule A., Strake S., Purina I., Aigars J., Sprukta S., Ustups D., Putnis I., Klepers A. (2017) Application of the marine ecosystem services approach in the development of the maritime spatial plan of Latvia
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management , Volume 13, 2017 - Issue 1,
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Smaļinskis J., Līviņa, A. (2017) Dabas parkam “Abavas senleja” - 50
Vides Vēstis. Vasara 02/2017. 26-29.lpp. ISSN 1407-2939
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Rozentale S., Livina A. (2017) Qualitative Assessment in Higher Education
International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 2, 39-46. IARAS Pub. ISSN: 2367-8933
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Līviņa A., Turlajs J., Druva-Druvaskalne I., Valtenbergs V. (2017) Baltijas jūras reģiona pilsētu attīstības salīdzinājums
Latvijas Universitātes 75.ikgadējās zinātniskās konferences "Ģeogrāfija. Ģeoloģija. Vides zinātne" referātu tēzes, Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte, 2017, 390. lpp., 235. - 237. lpp.
Veidemane K., Ruskule A., Strake S., Purina I., Aigars J., Sprukta S., Ustups D., Putnis I., Klepers A. (2017). Application of the marine ecosystem services approach in the development of the maritime spatial plan of Latvia
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management, 13, (1). 398-411
Vaeliverronen L., Kruzmetra Z., Livina A., Grinfelde I. (2017) Engagement of Local Communities in Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Depopulated Rural Areas in Latvia
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Rozentāle S., Andersons A. (2017) Indicators affecting Vidzeme Region Smart Development
Environment. Technology. Resources, Rezekne, Latvia. Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific and Practical Conference. Volume I, 240-245. DOI: 10.17770/etr2017vol1.2604
Indeksēts SCOPUS datu bāzē. Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.
Ratniece, D., Cakula, S. (2016) Solving the problems of linguistically diverse the 1st year university student`s using digital learning
Communication, Management and Information Technology: International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology (ICCMIT 2016), Itālija, Cosenza, 26.-29. aprīlis, 2016. Leiden: CRC Press/Balkema, 2017, 565.-572.lpp. ISBN 978-1-138-02972-9. e-ISBN 978-1-315-37508-3.
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Engineering for Rural Development, 16, pp. 1474-1479. DOI: 10.22616/ERDev2017.16.N334
Melece, L., Brizga, J., Gaugere, K., Ernsteins, R. (2017) Household food waste management problems in Latvia
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Bucholtz, I. (2018). The social construction of environment in Latvian local newspapers
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Silkane, V., Davidsone, A., Veliverronena, L. (2018). The role of health literacy in predicting patient satisfaction with health care
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Veliverronena L., Grīnfelde I. (2018) Higher education in tourism from the perspective of the Latvian tourism industry
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HESPI vadošā pētniece Feliciana Rajevska
Galvenā redaktore Dr. habil. oec. Baiba Rivža (2018) Zināšanu ekonomika Latvijas lauku un reģionu dzīvotspējai
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HESPI zinātniskais asistents Mg.oec., Aigars Andersons
Mg.paed. Vija Melbārde
Mg.oec. Maira Ore
Silkāne, V. (2018). Pavirzīšanas iespējas veicināt dalību vēža savlaicīgas atklāšanas programmā. Ilgtspējīga attīstība un sociālās inovācijas, pp. 190-204
Inovācijas un iltspējīga attīstība Latvijā
Zinātniskā redaktore Baiba Bela
Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2018, 240 lpp.
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Iespiests Jelgavas tipogrāfijā, ISBN 978-9984-633-44-2
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Kūle, L. (2018). Speciālās izglītības iekļaušana pirmsskolas un pamatskolas vispārējā izglītībā Latvijā
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Kūkoja, K. (2018). Sociālās investīcijas pirmsskolas vecuma bērnos
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Golča, L.(2018). Sociālās investīcijas darba vidē balstītu mācību attīstīšanai
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Broka, A., Mihailova, H. Demme-Vimba, D. - Atbalsta sistēmas analīze sociāli mazaizsargāto jauniešu spējināšanā/spēcināšanā lauku apvidos Vidzemes reģionā
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Sociālās politikas transformācijas līkloči, 6-23. lpp
Grinfelde,I., Veliverronena, L. (2018). The limits of creative approach: conducting an orchestra of emotions in the darkness
Creativity studies, Volume 11 Issue 2: 362–376
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Rozentāle, S., Druva-Druvaskalne, I. (2018). Lauku telpas dzīvotspēja
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Berzina, I., Lauberte, I. (2018) The Model of Automation and Extension of Tourism Economic Impact in Specific Regions
Research for Rural Development 201;8 Volume No 2, 2018, pp. 195-202; DOI: 10.22616/rrd.24.2018.072; ISSN 1691-4031 (print), ISSN 2255-923X (online)
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Jansevskis, M., Osis, K. (2018). Machine Learning and on 5G Based Technologies Create New Opportunities to Gain Knowledge
Proceedings - 2018 2nd European Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, EECS 2018, 376-381, DOI 10.1109/EECS.2018.00076
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Kūkoja, K., Kūle, L. (2019). Different Approaches in Providing Early Childhood Education Services for Vulnerable Groups in Latvia
Proceedings of 13th Academic International Conference Social Sciences for Regional Development 2018. 40-48
Līviņa, A., & Smaļinskis, J. (2019). Challanges for The Governance of International Tourism Routes
National Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Management, India, 317-324, ISBN 978-89-922250-05-4
Grāvīte, V. (2019). Crealtive Industries: Fashion Events as a Tourism Product
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Smaļinskis, J., & Līviņa, A. (2019). Use of Natural and Cultural Heritage in Tourism Marketing. Case of Latvia
National Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Management, India, 103-114, ISBN 978-89-922250-05-4
Bikše, J., Līviņa, A., Rozentāle, S. (2019). IT-Based Transport Mobility Solutions - New Opportunities for Tourism
Proceedings of 23rd International Joint World Tourism Conference and 9th World Tourism Conference. 305-315, ISBN 978-89-922250-05-4
Cakula, S., & Gudzuks, G. (2019). Modelling Support Mechanism Impact on Electric Vehicle Registration in Latvia
Economics and Business, 33(1),127-139
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Neputns, 2018. ISBN 978-9934-538-24-7
Leščevica, M., Kreituze, I. (2018). Prospect possibilities of remote work for involvement of Latvian diaspora in economy and businesses of Latvia
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Grīnfelde, I., & Veliverronena, L. (2019). Who is guilty that i fail in classroom: students` perspective on higher education
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Journalism Studies, 21, 370-387, DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2019.1664316
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Gavinolla, M.R., Swain, S.K., Līviņa, A. (2021). Research Contribution to the Progress of Digital Learning in India
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Mežgaile, A., Grīnberga, K., Singh, N., Līviņa, A. (2021). A Study on Youth Behavior towards the North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve in Latvia
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Zaumane, I., Leščevica, M. (2021). Functional responsibility for internal communication management and its integration in contemporary businesses
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Java, O. (2021). The Information Search Habits Investigated by an Eye Tracking Technique: How to Manage the Documentary Heritage of the National Library of Latvia.
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Bikše, J., Gavinolla, M.R. (2022). Tourism and restoration of spring ecosystem services
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Mežgaile, A., Līviņa, A., Gavinolla, M.R., Druva-Druvaskalne, I. (2022). Impact of cultural ecosystem services on livelihoods in the North Vidzeme biosphere reserve, Latvia
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Neves Madeira, R., Albequerque Santos, P., Java, O., Priebe, T., Graça, E., Sárközi, E., Asprion, B., Pinto-Bello Gómez, R. (2022). Towards Digital Twins for Multi-Sensor Land and Plant Monitoring
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L. Veliverronena, I. Grīnfelde (2019). "Who is Guilty that I Fail in Classroom: Students` Perspective on Higher Education"
Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Volume I, May 24th -25th, 2019. 594-606
Publikācija "Who is Guilty that I Fail in Classroom: Students` Perspective on Higher Education" pieejama ŠEIT.